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12 Movie Reviews

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Most Amazing Flash

I'm in awe. That was perfection. This is a whole lot more than just a madness parody.

Still just as good

that was great...it's been a while, I missed Salad Fingers. Congrats on another great one Firth.

You are amazing...

You fail to dissapoint me. I hope part 2 comes out sometime soon. You are without a doubt creating the most breathtaking flash i have ever seen. Keep it up...please.


that was frikin hilarious! I dont see how it got blammed I was laughing the entire time. I guess not many people have the right humor to love this..The voices were great.


Well I can tell you put a lot of effort into this and you had good ideas....but altogether the flash just wasnt very entertaining. The voice acting was horrible and i found myself pretty annoyed with the voices by the end. Like I said you had good intentions but maybe next time you should plan out the story a little better and practice your voice acting (or whoever did it). I honestly had to stop myself from closing to window about two-thirds through the movie. Well anyway, you did an okay job and i think your future work will be enjoyable to watch, so I'll be looking out for it.

now lets see something original...

Yea it was pretty good but come on. I mean you can only copy a flash so far and yours was waay too much like krinkels. Put some more thought into it next time maybe?

killermonster responds:

well i practice now thanx for review

I really liked it!

This flash was great. Im a huge FFX fan and this movie brought back tons of memories. When Kimarhi is reading "Weakest in your group?" haha I was laughing so hard because it's so true no one trains that guy! The voices were also really good and sounded pretty close. well good job and I look foward to seeing the others.

Pretty good

I thought it was ok. The accent actually made it a lot funnier. It got a little repetitive but all in all i liked it.

it was ok....

well obviously there was no plot. It was alright but i dunno it kinda looked like a david firth rip-off to me...try putting this character into some kind of a story line.

Robert Harvey @AlmightyTrebor

Age 34, Male


Cal Poly Pomona


Joined on 10/18/04

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